What is Domino?

Domino is a game and system of play wherein players place domino pieces edge-to-edge on a flat surface. The pieces have a value inscribed on them, called pips or spots, ranging from six pips down to blank (zero). Each domino piece has two ends, called open ends, and the total number of pips on one end is the domino’s rank. A domino that is ranked higher has more pips, and thus has a greater potential for energy to be converted from one form to another in the chain of events resulting when it topples.

The word domino is derived from the Latin “dominium” meaning “throne” or “power.” The game itself first appeared in Italy and France in the early 18th century, becoming a popular fad in the mid-18th century. The name reflects the fact that when a domino is played, it is often placed with its pips facing up, creating the impression of a throne over a pile of power or wealth.

A physicist explains that when a domino is standing upright, it has potential energy (based on its position). This energy is converted into kinetic energy as the domino falls. This is what creates the domino effect, as the kinetic energy causes the next domino to fall and so on.

While the physics of domino is fascinating, there are many different games that can be played with them. Most are positioning games where the player attempts to place a domino in such a way that the adjacent sides of the domino either match each other or add up to some specified total, such as a particular score. In these types of games, the player who scores the highest in a given number of rounds wins.

Some sets of dominoes are made of a more natural material than those of polymer, including bone, silver lip ocean pearl oyster shell, mother of pearl, ivory and other kinds of wood, metal, ceramic clay or crystal. These sets have a more elegant appearance, and are typically more expensive than those of polymer.

In the business world, good dominoes are tasks that contribute to a larger goal and will have a positive ripple effect. These tasks are usually challenging and require a large chunk of time and focus. They may also be more complex and involve a series of small steps. For example, Jennifer Dukes Lee’s decision to make her bed each day was a small domino that led to more permanent changes in her home habits.

In the world of work, Domino’s Pizza CEO Patrick Doyle emphasizes the importance of listening to employees and responding quickly to their concerns. This is a core value at Domino’s and has helped the company become one of the Best Workplaces in Michigan. In addition, the company focuses on putting Domino’s pizzerias near college campuses to attract young consumers, and this has a strong impact on employee retention and growth.